How To Repair Your Pool Heater: A Comprehensive Guide

21 November 2023
 Categories: , Blog


A backyard swimming pool is certainly one of the greatest joys of summer, but it can be a real buzzkill when the heater stops working. However, a malfunctioning pool heater can be repaired if you know what to look for and how to fix it. This comprehensive guide will run through some common pool heater problems, their possible causes, and how to troubleshoot and fix them.

Pool Heater Won't Turn On 

Several factors may cause pool heaters not to turn on, including poor electrical connections, tripped breakers, or blown fuses. Start by examining the thermostat settings and ensure that the power switch is in the correct position. Check the fuses and breakers to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Low Water Flow 

Poor water flow is another issue that can force your pool heater to malfunction. Low water flow means that the water may not be reaching the heater core, leading to overheating and shutting down. Check for debris in the pool skimmer and pump baskets. Clogged filters can also limit the flow rate; if your filter needs cleaning, give it a good backwash.

Dirty Burner or Pilot Assembly 

Dirt and soot can accumulate on the burner or pilot assembly, reducing their efficiency and functionality and prompting the heater to malfunction. Dirt, soot, or debris over the burners can make them stop working altogether. Use a wire brush or a vacuum to clean the assembly and ensure the jets are open and functioning correctly.


Leaks are among the most challenging problems associated with pool heaters. A leak can be in the pipes, heat exchanger, or pressure relief valves, and dripping water can cause a host of other problems. Inspect the pool heater's exterior to identify any visible leaks, then check your pool's pH and alkalinity levels, as high chemical levels can lead to corroded parts and leaking.

Faulty Thermostat 

Thermostats regulate your pool's temperature, but a broken thermostat can make it difficult to control the temperature consistently. Test the thermostat by adjusting the temperature settings and monitoring the response. If your thermostat is faulty, it will need to be replaced.

A faulty pool heater can turn a fun summer day into a terrible cooling experience. By understanding common pool heater problems and troubleshooting techniques, you can repair your pool heater and continue enjoying your swimming pool. 

Reach out to a professional in your area to learn more about pool heater repair