From Heating Maintenance To Air Conditioning Repairs And Installation: The HVAC Services You Need This Summer

22 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog


What are the top HVAC services to schedule this summer? From pre-season heating maintenance to air conditioning repairs, take a look at the professional services that should top your must-have list.

Pre-Season Heating Maintenance Service

The steady summer heat doesn't mean you can skip a furnace service. Even though you won't need to use your heater for a few months, you can still schedule routine maintenance right now.

Not only will this service help to keep your heater clean and increase energy efficiency, but it also allows you to spot potential problems before you need to use this part of your HVAC system. Instead of suffering through chilly days without a heater while you wait for a repair, you will have plenty of time to schedule the service necessary to fix your furnace or another type of home heating system.

Mid-Season AC Repairs

Constant use can leave your AC system with serious signs of wear and tear or damage. Refrigerant line leaks, compressor failure, electrical faults, sensor problems, a blocked condensate drain, a clogged condensate pump, thermostat issues, and damage to the air ducts can all reduce your system's cooling power.

If warm air blows through the vents, your system won't start, the AC never shuts off, or your electricity bills are higher than normal, contact an AC contractor for a mid-season repair. If you wait until after the summer cooling season for this service, you could put your entire system at risk for additional damage, pay unnecessarily high cooling costs, or leave your home with a hot and humid interior.

Routine AC Maintenance

Did you forget about or skip a pre-season air conditioning maintenance appointment? You don't need to wait until next year to schedule this essential HVAC service. Even though a pre-season visit can give you the best start possible to the summer cooling season, an HVAC contractor can inspect, clean, and repair your central system any time of the year.

A clean AC system that is free of damage or wear-related issues is an efficient AC system. This means your central cooling system could cost less to use during the hottest months of the year.

Air Conditioning Installation

The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors notes that the average lifespan of a central AC system is seven to 15 years. If your system is at the upper end of this range or has significant damage, it's time to consider a summer installation service—especially if your system won't keep your home cold.