Getting The Most From Your Airbnb Investment

10 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog


There's no reason that you can't grow your money because you have access to seemingly more investment ideas than ever. Today, Airbnb is one of the best investment opportunities you can look into because there are more than 150 million users and 4 million listings any given day. 

However, the main way to get some return on your Airbnb investment is to constantly repair it and improve it. To fit this into your schedule and make sure you're not missing any details, follow the tips in this article. 

Block Out Days To Handle Nothing But Repairs

The first mistake that Airbnb hosts make is to only worry about filling their calendars. You can't blame them, because seeing those bookings fill up will make anyone see dollar signs. However, you need to always block out at least a few days each month to be sure that you are handling your repairs. 

By blocking out these days for preventative maintenance, you'll keep getting 5-star reviews, because people won't run into broken air conditioners, plumbing issues and other matters that can create a less than stellar experience. 

Talk to an AC repair contractor that will change the dirty filters, check your carbon monoxide monitor, fix the outdoor unit, and tweak the thermostat. This is one of the most critical repairs because people will put up with a lot of things, but won't forgive being stuck in a muggy room. 

You should also make sure your repair contractor can quickly fix clogs and handle any other plumbing fix. Blocking out these days in advance will let you fix these problems on your time, instead of rushing it to accommodate the next incoming guest. 

Plan Some Upgrades That Will Make Your Airbnb More Attractive

Upgrading your Airbnb will always draw in great ratings and new guests. For instance, modern air conditioners feature variable speed compressors, eco-friendly features and less energy consumption. 

A new coat of paint and some new furniture can freshen up an Airbnb like few other upgrades as well. Always ask for feedback when people stay at your property, because this will help you to make the right decisions. You also need to promote these upgrades when you post your listings, so that you can market it properly. 

Staying mindful of these changes will help you to the fullest. 

Follow these tips so that you can get the most from your Airbnb investment.